Get Started with
1-on-1 Support

Ready to take the next step?

New Client Intake

Includes a 1.5-2-hour introductory consultation, a 30-minute follow-up consultation, and a personalized health plan. Herbal remedies (teas, tinctures, salves, etc.) not included.


How it works

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is your time & space to be heard. I will start by listening to you and seeing what your chief concerns are. What are your goals for health?

From there we do an in-depth intake. We will explore your symptoms as well as causes and patterns contributing to your current situation. We will also examine the positive steps you are taking, your strengths and what is working for you. It all helps me to analyze what is happening and how to best support you moving forward.

This is a time for you to share any information you feel is relevant and for me to listen and ask questions to better understand what is happening with your health.

Health Plan & Follow-up

The final plan depends on your input as much as my analysis. After your initial consultation, I sit with your information, look at it in depth, analyze it, and create the building blocks of your health plan. Next, we set up a 30-minute, follow-up consultation to review the plan building blocks and decide where and how to best implement it in your life now, given your current schedule, abilities, bandwidth, and lifestyle. 

Get on-Going Support

When you have completed the New Client Intake and want on-going accountability and support, a quick follow-up to tweak your plan, or help with an acute need like a stomach bug or seasonal allergies, Health & Hearth offers a few options:

Consultation Packages

I offer 3 types of consultation packages to provide the best care possible. Packages include a combination of in-depth consultations (up to 2 hours), follow-up appointments (up to 30 minutes), quick check-ins to touch base and see how things are going, and email support.

A hand-drawn image of three hawthorn cherries and their leaves.


Herbal remedies not included.

This package includes:

  • 3 in-depth consultations

  • 3 follow-up consultations

  • Check-ins & email support as needed

A hand-drawn image of three hawthorn cherries and their leaves.

6-Month Package

Herbal remedies not included.

This package includes:

  • 6 in-depth consultations

  • 6 follow-up consultations

  • Check-ins and email support as needed

A hand-drawn image of three hawthorn cherries and their leaves.

As-Needed Support

$50/half-hour appointment
Herbal remedies not included.

This as-needed service is good for:

  • Addressing acute illnesses

  • Getting extra support

  • Health plan updates

Finances Tight?

Health & Hearth firmly believes that health care is a right, not a luxury, and reserves space for at least 2 Pay-What-You-Can clients per month.
If price is an obstacle for you, please
contact us and we’ll figure out a price that fits your budget.

Get Started with
1-on-1 Support